iGUIDE Marketing Catalogue

Listing Brochure

The iGUIDE Listing Brochure makes it easy for an agent to explain iGUIDE to their clients. It walks the homeowner through how it will help sell their home faster, with fewer disruptions and for top dollar.

Listing Flyer

The iGUIDE Listing Flyer is an easy way for an agent to explain iGUIDE to their clients.

iGUIDE Postcard

If you have booked an upcoming trade show to boost your iGUIDE sales and grow your business, this is the correct link. Download the iGUIDE postcard highlighting the features and benefits of iGUIDE, the Ultimate 3D Listing Toolkit.

Staging Checklist

A helpful tool you can provide to your clients to help them get the property ready for 360 views and pictures. This document is an easy checklist of items to clean, check, hide and/or store to ensure the listing looks its best during an iGUIDE photo shoot.

Walkthrough Checklist

A helpful checklist you can provide to your clients to help them with their final walkthrough.

Office Presentation

This folder includes Canadian and American versions of our iGUIDE Office Presentation. The documents contain pages/slides highlighting key points that you can use to impress and sell during your next office presentation. They also explain the three fundamental pillars of iGUIDE.

Measurement Presentation

This is our iGUIDE Measurement Presentation. In this document, we provide you pages/slides on key points that you can use at your next office measurement presentation.

Instagram Post Instructions

Use the iGUIDE Instagram Featured Property Post document for step-by-step instructions on how to create an Instagram post. The purpose of doing a Featured Property post is to build your social network by promoting your iGUIDE technology and recognizing clients.

Facebook Post Instructions

Use the iGUIDE Facebook Featured Property Post document for step-by-step instructions on how to create a Facebook post. The purpose of doing a Featured Property post is to build your social network by promoting your iGUIDE technology and recognizing clients.

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