Information regarding the iGUIDE PLANIX App


The PLANIX app is only available for IMS-6 (PLANIX) and newer systems. See below for links to the iGUIDE PLANIX app for iOS and Android:

Apple App Store:

Google Play Store:


  • How do I add my camera to the mobile app?

    For new systems, we include a QR code that your mobile device will scan, and then add to the app. For existing systems, Operators can add their camera(s) by entering the cameras' Wi-Fi password, and the app will store this for future connections

  • How does the mobile app connect to my camera?

    The app uses your phone's Wi-Fi to connect.

  • Once I add my camera, how do I launch Survey?

    Simply tap the camera card and the mobile app will manage the Wi-Fi connection, or if the camera is already connected, Survey will launch

  • Can I update my camera's firmware with the mobile app?

    Yes, the mobile app will manage camera firmware updates, and prompt you to update when available.

  • Can I manage multiple cameras with the app?

    Yes, you can add multiple devices.

  • Can I upload my projects to the Portal?

    Yes, with the mobile app, you can capture and upload data to the Portal from anywhere using an external Wi-Fi connection or cellular data

  • Does the mobile app support iOS and Android devices?

    Yes, the app is available for iOS and Android devices.

  • Why does the mobile app need permission for my location and network?

    The mobile app needs location and network permission to be discoverable on the network (Wi-Fi), and since the app uses Wi-Fi to connect with the camera, this is a mandatory requirement. Note: This is a requirement of iOS and Android, and we do not collect this data.

  • Will I still need to use Stitch?

    Stitch is still useful for verifying that the property is fully documented, for data alignment, and for editing pano images. Operators who check scan alignment during capture and who do not need post-editing can skip Stitch and upload directly to the Portal.

  • How do I find your app on the app store?

    Search for 'iGUIDE PLANIX' or use the links provided: Apple App Store Google Play Store

Google SSO Login for the iGUIDE Portal

When uploading data from the app to the portal, you will be prompted to log in to the portal with either an email and password or Google SSO. Currently, Google SSO does not work with this version of the app, so you must log in with your username and password. If you do not know your password, please process a password reset at https://manage.youriguide.com/auth/resetpwd

Last updated
